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Manufacturing Engineering

Intergraph/ABAQUS Interface (I/ABAQUS)

Intergraph Corporation

Intergraph/ABAQUS Interface (I/ABAQUS) converts a FEM Neutral Fileproduced by I/FEM (SM**053) IRMS (SA**880), or MP ANALYSIS (SE**137) intoan ASCII file for input into the third party software package ABAQUS fromHibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Inc. I/ABAQUS uses the returning resultsfrom ABAQUS as input to I/FEM, IRMS, or MP ANALYSIS for postprocessing.The ABAQUS software does not have to be on the same system as I/ABAQUS.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: I/FEM, IRM, OR MP ANALYSIS.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2,2.3

Intergraph Corporation
1 Madison Industrial Pwy
Huntsville, AL 35894-0001
Phone: (205) 730-2000
Fax: (205) 730-7509